Thursday, July 5, 2012

Rubicon Express Lift Kit Tutorials Part 1 | Video

Here is a playlist of my five favorite videos related to installing Rubicon Express Lift Kits .
Each video shows at least one thing you'd really want to know before installing a Rubicon Express lift kit or before deciding which Rubicon Express lift kit is best for your Jeep.

All five videos are viewable in the Youtube playlist which can be accessed by clicking on any one video.  In this post I'll just highlight the three out of the the five that offer a very particular point of view on lift kits.

The Whole Kit And Caboodle

If you are thinking about purchasing a lift kit and installing it yourself. It would be important to know exactly how long the installation is going to take and what exact steps are involved. This video does a great job of showing the work flow. But don't blink.

Yeah, But What Is That Noise?

You want to know how noisy your ride is going to be once the kit is installed? Or you want to know what a particular noise is coming from your undercarriage since you've installed your lift kit. This video gives you a perspective on both.

How Much Flex Are You Going To Get?

In this video a German Jeep owner uses a very industrial, as oppose to off-road, demonstration to show how much flex his Jeep has with a Rubicon Express lift kit installed.